2021_019. 皇仁舊生會中學 第三十二屆畢業典禮(影片、相片及場刊)
Time: 2020.11.27



二零二零年十一月七日 下午三時 學校禮堂







頒獎儀式結束後,主禮嘉賓鄭恩賜先生為畢業生致訓辭。他首先祝賀各位畢業生順利完成學業,並表示自己很榮幸能與他們分享這重要時刻。鄭先生向畢業生分享四句金句,第一句「Work hard」:勸勉同學應專注於重要的事情上,勿虛度光陰;第二句「Be smart」:現今社會科技發達、資訊繁多,同學應學會明辨是非真假,並多與人交流;第三句「True to your heart」:鄭先生以自己的個人經歷為例,勸勉同學在選擇人生重要的課題時,應多聆聽自己的內心、多為自己想想,與自己的內心對話,選擇自己喜歡的道路並一直堅持下去;第四句「Never too late to start」:鄭先生寄語各位同學無論過去是好是壞,都應學會放下過去,並多作反省,因為人生猶如一本由自己編寫的書,所以同學不應為此驕傲自滿或傷心頹廢,要把握時間好好裝備自己,並相信定能找到適合自己的道路。最後,他祝願各位來賓都能有一個美好的將來。












Queen’s College Old Boys’ Association Secondary School

The Thirty-second Annual Speech Day

7 November 2020, 3:00 p.m., School Hall


Queen’s College Old Boys’ Association Secondary School celebrated its 32nd Speech Day on 7 November 2020. This year, the Guest of Honour was Mr. Cheng Yan Chee, Hong Kong Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority Chief Corporate Affairs Officer and Executive Director.


Mr. Michael Chan, School Supervisor, opened the ceremony with warm welcoming remarks. Following this, Mr. Ronald Hui, School Principal, welcomed guests, parents and congratulated all graduates on their successful completion of their secondary school education. As an alumnus of the school, Mr. Hui expressed his happiness and gratefulness to be given the opportunity to contribute to his alma mater. He thanked the three previous principals of the school for their dedication and contribution to the school. Mr. Hui then reported the school development and the achievements of students with relevance to the three major concerns. Amid the pandemic and other challenges in the society, a variety of measures had been taken to ensure the school is a secure place to nurture our students. Mr. Hui closed his speech by heartening everyone to be hopeful and embrace challenges.


The Speech Day then moved on to the presentation of prizes and certificates to many deserving recipients. This was a happy confirmation of the efforts made and success attained by the many hard-working graduates.


Another highlight of the day is the speech by The Guest of Honour, Mr. Cheng Yan Chee. In his address, Mr. Cheng offered words of advice to the graduates. Firstly, he urged students to work hard and focus on important tasks in life. He then stressed the importance of being smart in this era of information boom and being alert of fake news. When making important choices in life, Mr. Cheng encouraged students to be true to their hearts. Finally, Mr. Cheng encouraged students to write their life stories with humbleness and reflections. He ended his sharing by blessing everyone a bright future.


After Mr. Cheng’s speech, Mr. Ronnie Yu, Chairman of the Board of Directors, presented souvenirs to our honorable guest, Mr. Cheng Yan Chee. Following this, S.6 graduate Jerry Hung Kam Pang delivered a valedictorian speech with a vote of thanks on behalf of the graduated classes to the school Principal and teachers.


To round off the prize-giving ceremony, the school sang a heartfelt rendition of the school song. The ceremony ended with photo-taking at the Ground Floor Covered Playground.


The Thirty-second Annual Speech Day will be available on the YouTube Channel of the QCTV, the School Campus TV. Websites are available for perusal as follows:

Prize-giving Ceremony:https://youtu.be/uXgdsG-CZz8

Photos and Snapshots:http://www.qcobass.edu.hk/?album=34398

Souvenir Programme:http://www.qcobass.edu.hk/?news=34072