2021_101. 皇仁舊生會中學 第三十三屆畢業典禮(新聞稿)
Time: 2021.07.26



二零二一年七月十二日 下午三時 學校禮堂








  頒獎儀式結束後,主禮嘉賓蔡熾昌先生接着為畢業生致訓辭。蔡先生向畢業生提出三點人生建議:第一,把握時間,裝備自己。生於科技知識型社會之中,於學校所學的知識不足以應付一切挑戰,因此學生要銘記「學海無涯」,達至終生學習,學生應謹慎分配時間,善用時間做充足的準備,因為機會是留給有準備的人的。第二,蔡先生以一句英文諺語:「當生活給了你酸溜溜的檸檬時,就把它做成酸甜的檸檬汁吧!」(“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”)來勸勉學生要從逆境中轉化出正能量,提升個人情商(EQ)及逆境商(AQ)。第三,蔡先生亦建議學生採用「銅錢哲學」,成為一位「外圓內方」的人,亦即保持外在待人接物上的平和圓滑,但亦要堅持內心的良知及誠信,擇善固執。最後,蔡先生祝願畢業生能獲得美滿的成績,亦祝願各位來賓前程錦繡,身體健康。








Queen’s College Old Boys’ Association Secondary School

The Thirty-third Annual Speech Day  

12 July 2021, 3:00 p.m., School Hall


Queen’s College Old Boys’ Association Secondary School celebrated its 33rd Speech Day on 12 July 2021. This year, the Guest of Honour was Mr. Choi Chee-cheong, Former Secretary General from the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority.


Mr. Michael Chan, School Supervisor, opened the ceremony with warm welcoming remarks. Following this, Mr. Ronald Hui, School Principal, welcomed guests, parents and congratulated all graduates on their successful completion of their secondary school education. On behalf of the school, Mr. Hui thanked Mr. Choi for officiating the speech day. Then Mr. Hui reported the school development and the achievements of students with relevance to the three major concerns. Though the past academic year was full of challenges due to the pandemic, the school continued to deploy resources in different activities to foster personal growth and academic development of our students. Mr. Hui especially highlighted the measures taken by the school to help our graduates learn and study properly at school before the HKDSE commenced in April. Mr. Hui closed his speech by thanking our teaching staff and parents with a round of applause.


The Speech Day then moved on to the presentation of prizes and certificates to many deserving recipients. This was a happy confirmation of the efforts made and success attained by the many hard-working graduates.

Another highlight of the day is the speech by The Guest of Honour, Mr. Choi Chee-cheong. In his address, Mr. Choi offered words of advice to the graduates. Living in a knowledge-based society, he firstly urged students to seize every opportunity to equip themselves. He also stressed the importance of lifelong learning and time management. Our future is full of challenges and uncertainties. Mr. Choi then shared one of his favourite proverbial phrases, ‘When life gives you lemons, make lemonade’ with the guests and encouraged our graduates to raise their emotional quotient (EQ) and adversity quotient (AQ). Finally, Mr. Choi recommended graduates to be a round copper coin with a square hole in the centre. That is to be moderate while upholding integrity and conscience. He ended his sharing by blessing everyone a bright future and good health.


After Mr. Choi’s speech, Mr. Peter Mok, Chairman of the Board of Directors, presented souvenirs to our honorable guest, Mr. Choi Chee-cheong. Following this, S.6 graduate Cheng Nai-ming delivered a valedictorian speech with a vote of thanks on behalf of the graduated classes to the Guest of Honour, our school Principal and teachers.


To round off the successful prize-giving ceremony, our talented S.6 graduates Chan Cheuk-hei, Liu Kin-kuen, So Tik-tung, Cheng Nai-ming and Fong Chun-lok dedicated a song to teachers and schoolmates at QCOBASS, to commemorate the school years and to express the heartfelt gratitude to teachers. In closing, the performers led the school in singing a heartfelt rendition of the school song. The ceremony ended with photo-taking and refreshments.