二零二四年七月九日 下午三時 學校禮堂
典禮的開首由校監陳記煊先生致上歡迎辭,為這場莊嚴而溫馨的典禮掀開序幕。緊接着是許建業校長為各位來賓及家長的蒞臨致以謝意,並祝賀所有畢業生完成中學課程,順利畢業。許校長謹代表學校,感謝關教授於百忙中出席並主持典禮。其後,許校長就學校發展及學生成就作校務報告。許校長希望新落成的The English Den及STEAM Studio能為學生提供良好的學習環境。另一方面,許校長亦強調學校於本學年籌備了十多次香港境外文化交流團,冀學生藉此拓寬眼界。許校長亦感謝全體教職員及家長於過去一年的付出。最後,許校長勉勵畢業生要活出具質素(Quality)及關懷(Care)的「QC人」特質。
Queen’s College Old Boys’ Association Secondary School
The Thirty-sixth Annual Speech Day
9 July 2024, 3:00 p.m., School Hall
Queen’s College Old Boys’ Association Secondary School celebrated its 36th Speech Day on 9 July 2024. We were honored to have invited Professor Kwan Tze Wan, Emeritus Professor, Department of Philosophy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, to be our Guest of Honour.
Mr. Michael Chan, School Supervisor, opened the ceremony with warm welcoming remarks. Following this, Mr. Ronald Hui, our School Principal, welcomed guests, parents and congratulated all graduates on their successful completion of their secondary school education. On behalf of our school, Mr. Hui thanked Professor Kwan for officiating the speech day and readily agreeing to be our guest of honor at our school’s main ceremony. Then Mr. Hui reported the school development and the achievements of students. He added a special remark about our newly renovated The English Den and the STEAM Studio. Mr Hui hoped that students would be benefited the most with better educational facilities. Mr Hui also highlighted that the school has organized more than ten exchange tours for students to experience the culture outside of Hong Kong. He then thanked all the teachers for their hard work in organization and collaboration and the participation of parents and students. He closed his speech by enjoining the graduates to demonstrate ‘Quality’ and ‘Care’ as they are ‘QC’ students embodying ‘QC’ spirits.
The Speech Day then moved on to the presentation of prizes and certificates to many deserving recipients. This was a happy confirmation of the efforts made and success attained by the many hard-working graduates.
Another highlight of the day is the speech by the Guest of Honour, Professor Kwan Tze Wan, Emeritus Professor, Department of Philosophy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. In his address, Professor Kwan encouraged the students to better equip themselves by changing their learning mode from passive to an active one, to broaden their vision by reading extensively and to cultivate their critical thinking. Professor Kwan reminded the students earnestly the importance of staying curious to new things and keeping learning throughout their lives to embrace and adapt to inevitable changes. Lastly, Professor Kwan wished graduates to be brave to face all the challenges in the future when possibility is beyond imagination. He ended his sharing by blessing everyone a bright future and good health.
After Professor Kwan’s speech, Mr. Peter Mok, Chairman of the Board of Directors, presented souvenirs to the staff members who have served our school for over fifteen years. Mr. Mok presented Service Awards to the awardees. One teaching staff member is going to retire this summer. We wish her the best of health, happiness and success on their new page of life.
Following this, S.6 graduate, Cheung Wai Sze delivered a valedictorian speech with a vote of thanks on behalf of the graduated classes to the Guest of Honour, our school Principal and teachers.
To round off the graduation ceremony, our talented S.6 graduate representatives, Chan Sze Ling and Hung Sze Wan, dedicated a song to schoolmates at QCOBASS, to encourage the students to unleash their potential and strive towards their goals. After that, Tham Tsz Hin, representing all the S.6 graduates, presented his exquisite drawing to the School as an appreciation of thanks. The ceremony ended with photo-taking and refreshments.